Geothermal heating -- heat pumps and global warming
Geothermal heat pumps to heat or cool homes. Impact on global warming replacing gas boilers, oil boilers and air conditioning systems. Same technology as fridge in home. Heat homes, tower blocks, factories, commercial buildings, real estate developments, schools, hospitals and government buildings. Energy savings. Heat exchange. Sweden heat pumps, Switzerland geothermal heating, New Zealand heat pumps. Growth of geothermal installation companies. Payback period. Annual savings. Undergound pipes. Power supply, electricity peak demand. Seasonal changes in demand. Science of geothermal heating systems. How geothermal heating works. How geothermal cooling works. Innovation in global warming reduction -- cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Size of geothermal market in Europe, America, Australia and Asia. Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business. Heat pumps, geothermal, energy saving, carbon trading, caps, emissions, carbon dioxide, offset, offsetting, fraud, accounting, heat saving, global warming, science, heating, cooling, air conditioning
Labels: global warming, marketing